A review by merr_cactus
Heart of a Monster by Shain Rose


Damn. I rlly don’t know how to feel about this book. I loved Rome since ‘Inevitable’ and rlly could feel the possible love story between the two since then. At the same time I think the author messed up on a small piece of their story. In ‘Reverie’ Vick says that she walked in on them whilst they were on in bed (hence, had slept together) and in their timeline rn, Katie and Rome don’t sleep together until AFTER Vick and Jet get married. Nevertheless, that little detail did bug me a little.

I think the author’s writing has massively improved and I genuinely LOVED the first few scenes and the whole Cleopatra and Poe letter thing. Like I LOVE IT when the otp have something which just screams THEM. Also loved that from the get go they were meant to be (but at the same time it wasn’t overly emphasised)

You realize I’m a mixed woman in a dark alley dressed like a hooker, and a cop with a loaded gun is asking me to step out of the car, right?” The hitch in her voice had me searching past the stone of her eyes, looking for the hint of fear. “I’m not scared, Rome. I’m pissed. I shouldn’t have to be scared, nor should any woman. The imbalance in power is what makes this all so sickening. No woman should have to be nervous when she’s stopped by a cop in the middle of the night.”
I LOVED KATIE and whatever she stood for. Her childhood sucked top level and honestly I did get frustrated with her choosing to live SUCH a lifestyle and playing with her life as if it meant nothing. Her father killed himself so that she wouldn’t have to do such a thing. But then I realised that she was meant for this life. She was meant to be the woman to sacrifice her life to save the rest of women from doing the same. Unfortunately, there were times when I was annoyed at her like no other. Like at the end, I rlly wished she didn’t go in just for the sake of information. Like I just felt that happened just to extend the story and add a climatic shift. Like ok the idea of her mother being a Bratva princess was good but why didn’t Bratva act before (surely she was the arm candy of Bastien before as well) so why now?! Also the whole I am going into the enemies’s gang so that I could get more information on my parents and honestly I don’t know if my uncle is a nice guy who liked his sister and would treat me like his niece or is a psychotic leader who has messed up fetishes. Like this girl is going headfirst, in blind rage and I hate it. And she’s leaving Rome n all because she was never a part/equal of them. For which I think fair. But wasn’t that a good blackmail. Like tell Bastien, I could be a secret agent for you and get you info, in turn give me a role and power in your gang.
“I can’t do that,” I said. “Won’t let anyone else do it.” “So you’ll choose her over the family?” “She is my family. And I’m hers.”“More than this one?” he whispered.“More than any one,” I replied

Rome x Katie reminded me a lot of Gianna x Christian. (Though, I love the latter immensely more) In terms of the fact that she’s the passed around trophy and one that is drooled after and he’s the cold-ish one who’s tried to abstain from her charms for years. And at the end of the day, they both are these broken pieces that were meant to fix together. And no to mention the SAME chemistry of the ml going nuts and trying to protect her and the fl being a girl boss and tired of taking shit from men.

Let’s talk about Rome. I love that name. I love his tattoos. I loved that she got his words as tattoo, wish that was mentioned again though. I love the whole ‘if she bleeds, I bleed. And if she dies, I die” like this man is a all or nothing kind of guy and I’m LOVING IT! ALSO HE CRIED WHEN SHE LEFT. HE WAS FREAKING ON HIS KNEES CRYINGGGGGG AND DAMN I RLLY WANTED HER TO TURN AROUND AND SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL ON HIS KNEES BEGGING HER AND SHEDDING TEARS THAT IM SURE HE’S NEVER SHED BEFORE.

Also I genuinely like Bastien and can’t wait to read his story.