A review by ivonanesicc
Idol by Kristen Callihan


“I should have left him on my porch, called the police, and cleaned myself up while they hauled his ass away. But I couldn’t. Not all drunks are bad. Some are just lost.”

3⭐️ wasn’t bad read, just wasn’t hooked on them. story was okay, as for the couple they were little too rushed and i haven’t fel that connection between them. they have decent banter.

some parts were too cringey for my likings

“It’s been years since I’ve had a female berate me for such an extended period of time.”

“Oh, I bite, babe. But you’ll like it.” “I bite back, Kill, and you won’t like it.”

“I don’t know how long we stand there, looking at each other as if we’re strangers who happened upon each other on this beach.”

“We’re friends. I don’t know how it happened. I was all set to hate Killian, but he’s wormed his way under my skin with embarrassingly little effort.”

“I hum an acknowledgement but sorrow holds my tongue. Life has been so silent since my parents died. Too silent. I never really thought about how I turned my back on the simple joy of loving music, and how badly that has affected me.”

“Had I been there, I’d have wanted to give you comfort.”

“Fuck you, Killian.” “You know what? Fuck it. Here’s the truth: I wasn’t happy—until I met you.”

“I will never laugh at you,” he promises fiercely. “Ever. I’m your safe place, Libby. You’ve got to know that.”

“Killian pulls me close, tucking me under his chin. I feel the shape of him against my belly, but for once I don’t think of sex. He’s like an anchor, a solid wall between me and emptiness. His arms are strong, and he holds me tight.”

“A Channing Tatum maybe?” “You know, Magic Mike?” “Of all his movies, you pick that one? Shocker.” - libby is us. we are libby.