A review by jacki_f
Eddy, Eddy by Kate De Goldi


This is a gorgeous New Zealand novel that is (very) loosely based on the novel “A Christmas Carol” and it takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It’s a perfect, warming read for this time of year.

Eddy is a delightful and very bright 19 year old who is drifting in his life. He dropped out of High School, recently lost his much loved dog and fills his days pet sitting, dog walking and working part time in a supermarket. He is an orphan who was raised by his somewhat eccentric but very loving uncle.

This is one of those books with a cast of tight knit and quirky characters who you grow very fond of over the course of the book. It is also one of those books (like [b:Isaac and the Egg|55833904|Isaac and the Egg|Bobby Palmer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1649843285l/55833904._SY75_.jpg|87050721] or [b:Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine|35900387|Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine|Gail Honeyman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1557858891l/35900387._SY75_.jpg|47327681]) where you don’t initially realise why the main character is as they are. There are a series of reveals over the book which had a strong impact on me.

Another character in the novel is the city of Christchurch where the book is set. It takes place two years after the 2011 earthquake that caused so much damage and the wounds in the city mirror the wounds that Eddy is carrying internally.

Having said that, I must stress that it’s not in any way a depressing read. Eddy is a wonderful character and there’s a lot of humour in this book.