A review by kerrithebookbelle
Forest of Ruin by Kelley Armstrong


Ok seriously, Armstrong? How do you set up a passionate, complex, interracial couple and then abandon it in the final freaking book? I mean, don't get me wrong, the rest of the story was phenomenal but how in the hell is Tyrius a better match for Moria than Gavril? You literally set this shit up from the get-go and just threw it away because Mr. Princey became more of an important character than you originally planned? Uh-uh. It didn't feel genuine at all and waaayyyy out of character. So Imma pretend that shit didn't happen and that Gavril and Moria end up together post-series. Because THAT WAS THE SHIP YOU GOT US INVESTED IN FROM DAY ONE. I CANT EVEN RIGHT NOW.