A review by ravenslanding
For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten


Overall, enjoyable. I'll probably listen to book 2.
This is a story about sisterhood, bargains, the importance of communication, and friendship.
I felt like there were a couple missed opportunities in the magic of the world, but the characters are all likable and I liked the ties to Little Red Riding Hood and Beauty of the Beast.
I had some issues with the style-it edged from beautiful to over written fairly often. I had some issues with the character development (or yo yo regressions) but still found the story overall enjoyable enough to keep going. I think.
Though if I had been reading instead of listening I probably would've skimmed the final battle because I was so annoyed the forest went from whole to worse than before literally overnight.
Upon reflection brought it down to 3 stars because of how many missed opportunities there were. Narrator was great. I might still read book 2.
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