A review by figsx
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix


I read this right after reading Horrorstor, so I came in with expectations of a light horror novel, something that would keep me on my toes, but wouldn't cause me nightmares. That's not exactly what I received from the book, but I enjoyed the theme around friendship and hardships that come with all types of relationships. I honestly picked this novel up because of the cover of it and the dedication page, I mean come on, it was worth continuing the read. I didn't hate the read, overall I love Hendrix's writing because it's so easy to flow with it. I think this can be relatable to some extent to many YA readers who are experiencing shifts in their relationships with friends/family/partners who they may be growing apart from and all. I know the whole plot is based on someone being possessed, but there were some fair points made throughout the book. I did feel emotional and at times angry for Abby, as we all see she was shunned and easily used as a scapegoat for many of those around her. I don't know, I liked the read and definitely an easy one.