A review by booksavor
Receive Me Falling by Erika Robuck


Erika Robuck is one of my new favorite authors. This is the third book written by her that I have read and I loved this one just as much as the others. I really enjoy her writing style; it is breezy, yet descriptive. Her characters are real, flawed, but not overly so. I would have given this book 5 stars but I was left with a couple of nagging questions. ** spoilers ahead ** Why did it take so long for Catherine to realize that Leah was her half sister? It seemed that this would have become apparent long ago, at least after Catherine grew to an adult and was able to put two and two together. Secondly, what ever happened at Eden once James left? We are told that Catherine, Cecil, Phinneas, and some of the slaves died from a "bleeding fever" but is that all? Lastly, and most mysteriously, how did Edward Ewing come to own Eden? Are we just to assume he bought it after the Dalls' deaths? Or did Catherine actually marry him? I really wanted to know since this was a major plot point...Edward was Meg's ancestor, so it was worth mentioning. Those questions aside, I did enjoy the book immensely and read it in just a couple of short days!