A review by ctgt
Bite Harder by Anonymous-9


4.5 stars

I was given an ARC by the author.(Thanks Anonymous-9)
If you have read any of my earlier reviews of her titles you know I've been a fan since I read [b:The 1st Short Story Collection|17402748|The 1st Short Story Collection|Anonymous-9|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1361313679s/17402748.jpg|18160347] several years ago and A-9 would have had to drive this baby off a cliff for me not to enjoy the story.

Dean, Cinda and everybody's favorite helper monkey Sid are back, but not in the same way. Dean is in the slammer while Cinda and Sid are on the run. We also get a much closer look at the whacked out drug dealing Malalinda family.

I initially gave this 4 stars but after mulling for a day decided to move it to 5. The big problem with any ongoing series with recurring characters is the author falling back on a tried and true formula trying to milk that cow as long as possible. Instead of waving a magic wand to wipe away the consequences of the first book, the author buckled in and wrote a very enjoyable, and different, second book. I also thought the writing had a bit more flow to it which made the story move along at nice pace. Trying to write an animal POV can be dangerous but I enjoyed the moments behind the eyes of Sid and was pleased with the development of the relationship between Dean and Cinda. When I combined all these factors, I had to bump the rating up a notch.

All in all a great follow up and I can't wait for the next book.