A review by cadiva
Inked in Vegas by K.M. Neuhold


This is a sexy and sweet catch up with all the Heathens Ink guys as they head to Vegas for Thane and Madden's bachelor weekend.

Each set of guys manages to slope off for some sexy times and there's an amusing scavenger hunt which see Royal trying to steal a centurian's helmet from Caesar's Palace and a Greased Lightning flash mob.

Dani's scene with her old childhood sweetheart did seem a little out of place but I guess anything goes in Vegas and it wasn't beyond the realms that they'd bump into each other.

There's also a bonus of Dani's threesome with Beau and Cas and Liam's first tattoo session with Owen, leaving plot lines open for future books

#ARC kindly provided by the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.