A review by stashasucks
Accidental Love by Bl Miller


If you're for a cliché romance book this is the one for you.
The book was mostly ok. Thats it. It wasn't anything special and it most certainly isn't anywhere close to the top of my favoure lgbt+ novels but it wasn't that horrible either.
I was personally looking for something that doesn't mess with my head and has a cute story and an obvious ending and I can say that this book mostly fulfills those (pretty low) standards.
The writing was... Well... Not too bad... The vocabulary didn't bother me but the constant reuse of "older/younger woman", "dark haired woman" kind of did. I feel like the author tried not to use their names too much and to make the character familliar to the reader but in the later part of the book, when Veronica is mostly being called by her nickname there were definitely some opportunities to switch it up a little. Other than that the writing had some ups and downs in terms of the types of sentences used and the descriptions but it was rather normal. Again noting special but it wasn't that bothering.
The plot itself is, what you'd expect from this type of novel. Very obvious. Exactly what I wanted so ok but in terms of quality zero. The side stories could've been explored more rather than just being there as a reason for Rose and Veronica to open up to one another. They were completely fine side plots but they felt a bit disconnected...

*Spoilers and a little bit of a rant ahead*

What bothers me, however, and is probably the main reason i dislike this book is the fact that Rose forgave Veronica so easly. Just a bump in the road. Nothing too important...except it's kind of the main plot. It felt like the whole "Rose being mad and leaving" thing would at least last longer or have more impact. I understand that both of them share fault when it comes to the accident but Veronica was told MULTIPLE times to be honest with the person she was sooo in love with and still Rose had to find it out by herself. The fact that Veronica did feel awful about the accident and lying doesn't mean that she can just keep that secret as if it's not a big deal. In a way the author tries to make it seem as if what she's doing is ok because "guys she feels really bad about it". If she really loved Rose that much it would've made more sense to tell her the truth even if she leaves her, because Rose deserved to know and can make her own decisions. If that was the case them ending up together would be just easier to acccept for me. Even when Rose wanted to talk to V about the accident V just tried to change the subject with the classic "the past is in the past". Like OK girl she found it out by herself, she will listen to what you have to say, and when you can finally explain your actions you try to brush it off and expect her to come running back to you (which kind of does happen, so good guess).
Ohhh it felt good to get that off my chest....
The sex scenes were... guess what? That's right, they were ok. Definitely on the more postive side of that word, at least compared to some that I've read (which isn't too much). The cuddles and all of the cheezy stuff was kind of cute and honesly what I signed up for so maybe thats why they were more enjoyable.
Overall the first part of the book was alright but as soon as the "big twist" happened I was simply a bit disappointed. Should've known better I guess... Even so, the book has cute romantic moments that can, if separated from the main plot, be decent enough.