A review by mackle13
Fairest: In All the Land by Bill Willingham



This was an ok story, very Cindy centric, a several of the Fairest stories seem to be. She's called in to investigate after a murder, since Bigby is currently unavailable.

Speaking of which, this book definitely has some spoilers for the main Fables plotline, with no inkling given in the book itself where it falls within that arc.

My biggest issue with the story, I think, is that the artwork changes every couple of pages, and it's wildly inconsistent. Some of it is weird cartoon-realism, and some of it is ultra-cartoony and not great quality, while some of the middle-range realism that the series, as a whole, tends to use (which is my favorite). It got to where some characters weren't even recognizable from one panel to the next.

Also, the story itself is semi-moot because you know
Spoilerthey're not going to kill off some of the main characters in a random off-shoot.

I wouldn't recommend this as a starting point for people into the Fables world, unless you don't mind spoilers. Hell, I wouldn't recommend it anyway just because it's not the strongest stories and relies too heavily on familiarity with the characters as opposed to really introducing them, though it does give a smattering of backstory on some we may not have seen before.

Not a bad side-story in the Fables world, but far from a necessary one.

* Not only is in unclear, aside from reading, where this falls into the Fables timeline, it's not even clear where it falls on the Fairest line. The book-page I'm on tells me this is Fairest #5, except Fairest #5 is actually [b:Fairest, Vol 5: The Clamour for Glamour|23846750|Fairest, Vol 5 The Clamour for Glamour|Mark Buckingham|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1438780616s/23846750.jpg|43456945], and this stand-alone GN was published between Volumes 2 and 3 of the Fairest series.