A review by rosexgold
Cross My Heart, Hope to Die by Sara Shepard


It's basically what you'd expect if you have read the rest of the series. The same formula- suspecting one person throughout the first 3/4 of the book and then all of a sudden Sutton sees a memory that they'd been wrong the whole time, clearing that person near the end of the book.

I feel like this book was a lot more productive though than some of the others in this series that seemed to just be milking the story for more unnecessary books. I think it had some nice reveals and the ending actually made me feel pretty sad :( I think it was set up nicely though to allow for the next book in the series. As of now, the next one is supposed to be the last one. That BETTER stay the case or I will flip my shit. We don't need another Pretty Little Liars fiasco.

One thing I noticed though is there were a lot of continuity errors. Like the sun would already be shining through windows, and then all of a sudden Emma is watching a sunrise a couple min later. Also, Shepard's whole "the clouds moved away from/over to cover the full moon" line was still used two or three times. That always stands out to me because it's like her go-to descriptive, "eerie" line. Every night has a full moon. No matter what. Which reminds me of something that reeeeeeeally pissed me off. There was a bit about the constellation Emma made up and about how Ethan is such a star/space junkie so he tells her that one of the stars she uses for it next to Orion is actually the planet Venus. Uh, NO! Venus doesn't just stay in the same place all the time like that. There's no way that Emma would be able to look up at the stars at any point in the year throughout her whole life and just see Venus always in the same place. NO. That made me so mad :)