A review by jgintrovertedreader
Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi


In this very slender graphic novel, Marjane Satrapi gives us a peek into the lives of Iranian women. Well, the romantic and sexual aspects of their lives anyway.

I felt like I was sitting in this roomful of multi-generational women as they gossiped about themselves, each other, and friends they knew. I think all women have sat in a group like this, when there aren't any men around, and said just exactly what we really think. It's not all ladylike and demure. This is the chance to be as ribald as you'd like.

I laughed so hard at some of these stories! They were hilarious!

Others were heartbreaking. I might not be able to relate to tales of arranged marriages, but I think most of us have enough imagination to understand how horrible it could be.

What I mostly took away from this is that, despite some cultural differences, women are women and men are men the world over. We have much more in common than we think.

If you aren't embarrassed by women talking frankly about sex and love, go ahead and pick this up. It only takes an hour or so to read, but it's very enjoyable.