A review by isaac_c
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward

Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
I just don't enjoy the writing or narration of this, and I'm pretty sure I already know where it's going, so I'm certainly not sticking around for any twists. (I skipped to the end to find out—Yep! It's basically what I expected.)
My breaking point was the cat's political correctness joke(?). Not my thing at all.

EDIT: A lot of other reviews say to go into this one with as little information as possible, that it suddenly gets good at the middle/end. If it isn't good "unless, until" this-and-that, then maybe it just isn't very good.
Plot twist, it's mental illness! Everyone's favorite horror trope. Yay...
Ted has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Maybe the reveal is handled well, I don't know, but making it a big reveal at all doesn't sit right with me, especially paired with the almost comical/campy tone.