A review by lizziaha
Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley


This is hard to rate because there were parts that I really enjoyed. All of the parts about Daunis’s native identity were really interesting, and I thought the book did a good job of covering issues that plague native communities. I loved all the different characters in the community, *especially* the elders. The role they play in the story is so fun, but also empowering. 
However. I think I got caught up in the logistics of the investigation. I was constantly wondering if things being done in the name of the investigation were actually legal. Looped into that, the power imbalance in the romance was offputting and distracting to me. Daunis was in over her head, and it shows. Because of Daunis’s inexperience the pacing of the book is off. The plot goes from slow paced small town life with small potato problems to huge fast-paced life or death situations. It felt jarring. 
Despite the somewhat messy jumble of plot threads, the ending surprisingly wraps things up in a way that resolves some of my issues with the book. I thought it was a good ending that couldn’t do quite enough to compensate for the inconsistencies of the rest of the book. I’d be interested in reading a lit fic from the same author, instead of a thriller type plot like this one. 

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