A review by reags03
Advika and the Hollywood Wives by Kirthana Ramisetti


I don't like to DNF a book, so I powered through this one--but man, was it difficult. First off, I did not understand the attraction to Julian at all. It may be because I have a huge dislike of May-December relationships, or because I did not find his character charming at all. The amount of red flags that Advika acknowledges and then chooses to ignore is staggering. I found her annoying as well; I wished I could yell sense into her through the pages.
I didn't even find her escape at the end heroic, when the entire relationship was a huge, stupid mistake to begin with. Who marries a person without knowing their background at all? Especially when that person is easily researchable.
I'm also nitpicking at this point, but the pop culture references in this book were poorly done. All it did was make me cringe.