A review by p0laris
Knot a Chance by Sinclair Kelly


More like 2.5 stars, but I'll round up. It started out so well. It was heartbreaking to see her feel the loss of her alphas and son in real time. It almost broke me, along with a part at the end where she talks about there not being a word for those who lose their children.

With that said, I really didn't like some parts of this story. For one thing, it's like she's the only one suffering. We never get to the issues anyone else is having because we're so focused on her and what she may or may not be feeling. This included hard times like when she accepted her new pack and then panicked. Their best friend then goes into labor, and because she's panicking, she won't let her pack come with her to the hospital. But in this pack is one beta who is also best friends with the girl in labor, and also the brother of one of the girl's alphas (se he's not able to be there for support at the birth of his niece). And then we find out Bastian's deal, and how he's the brother of the guy who crashed into her first pack and killed them, and she thinks for a moment that her beta also lost a brother that day (which is annoyingly 3/4 of the way through the book and the first time we've found this out) and then she never asks him how he's dealing with that information because she's only focused on what she needs to do to get through it.

Also, prior to all of this, these people are together maybe two or three times on page before they're all completely devoted to each other and begin saying they love each other and want to be a pack. I can understand her love for the childhood friend, but not the others. None of their relationship was deep enough for that yet. It wasn't shown on page for us to see.

Lastly, having the pads of their thumbs bein where her alpha bites them while they're holding hands is hands down (no pun intended) the worst spot for a mate mark I've come across in all the OMV books I've read lol. 

Anyway, I really wanted to like this one. It started out so well, and the tragic storyline of love after losing mates and a child was compelling. I just don't think it hit the mark for me.