A review by the_book_suite
Murder at the Met by E.W. Cooper


I absolutely loved this book; I enjoyed it a lot more than the previous one. And I already liked that one quite a bit to begin with!

Firstly, though, I want to talk about the most important thing in this book: the mystery itself. Honestly, this plot was so intriguing with so many different facets and threads; it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Plus, I truly didn’t see the conclusion coming; it completely shocked me. Of course, looking back, it made sense and the clues were there, but I didn’t even come close to piecing it together.

Aside from the basic case of the book, though, I really enjoyed the character development in this one. I liked how it built upon the information from the previous book, but it was also interesting by itself. Plus, I loved how it played into the plot, as well. There’s one thing in particular that goes outside the box when it comes to tying into the main plot, but I’ll leave it to you to find out when you read it!

Also, the relationship development between different characters in this book was just as good as the individual character development. Penelope and Lund’s storyline remains super interesting, but I personally liked how Cooper developed Penelope’s relationship with her mother.

Finally, I think I liked the setting in this book even more than I did in the first one. Of course, it’s still 1920s New York City, but we saw more locations in Murder at the Met, which I enjoyed. Though, I suppose we did get more flashbacks to Shanghai in the first installment.

So, I highly recommend reading this book as well as the rest of the series. It has an excellent plot that is guaranteed to fascinate you, and the characters are truly amazing, too. I’m definitely looking forward to reading more installments in this series!

(I received an advanced copy for review. I'm leaving this review voluntarily and all opinions and thoughts included are wholly unbiased and my own.)