A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Lethal Intent by Cara C. Putman

I received a copy of Lethal Intent in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Cara C. Putman is back with a brand new thriller, Lethal Intent. One that mixes legal and medical thriller themes with romance and more.

For a moment there, Caroline Bragg thought she had it all. She had the perfect job, and her relationship with Brandon Lancaster was finally going somewhere. Better yet, the company she works for (Praecursoria) has just developed a new treatment for leukemia. One that could save the lives of the children she knows.

However, nothing is quite as it seems. Her company is too intent on trying this brand new drug on a child. One from Brandon's foster home, and it quickly becomes a conflict of interest for Caroline and Brandon both, as they have more in stake than it would appear at first glance.

“No, she wanted to build forever with this man she'd loved from a distance for years.
Now was their time.”

I can tell you with complete honestly that I have never read a thriller with such a unique blend of genres and elements. Lethal Intent is a romantic thriller, which isn't new to me, but the addition of medical and legal thriller elements made it stand out. As did the fairly subtle infusion of Christian fiction.

All put together, it made for a unique read as I've never seen before. That's always an impressive feat, as any avid reader will certainly know! So for that reason alone, I know that Lethal Intent will stick out in my mind for years to come.

I love how complicated the story became, the further it moved along. What seemed like a dream come true quickly became more complex, all thanks to the wonders of human behavior. Well, 'wonders' is certainly not the right word in this case, but you get what I'm saying.

I should warn you; if the world of medical research seems terrifying to you (even only at times), then this novel is going to chill you to your core. No exaggeration. It perfectly portrays some of the more...corrupt natures that seem to find their way into any sector that can provide money.

Long story short: Lethal Intent was every bit the thrilling novel I had hoped it would be, and then some. This is the first novel I've read by Cara C. Putnam, but I don't think it will be the last.

Check out more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks