A review by elvang
Ask Me Again by E.J. Noyes


Well done. This second book is much darker than Ask, Tell and it needs to be. I know, I know, the first book in the series had lots of angst built into it and you don't want to cry again. If you have not read Ask,Tell stop reading this review. If you have, then you need to pick up this book to see what happens to Sabine and Rebecca. You will be rewarded with an awesome read.

I loved reading this book from the perspective of both women. It cemented my understanding of the love each had for the other and fears each had that they would screw things up and ruin their relationship. I don't know when I have read a better study of PTSD than what we see Sabine dealing with when she returns Stateside. I found this the most powerful aspect of the whole novel and I was impressed with the author's ability to show us her mental state and inner turmoil. Watching her unravel and shun assistance from loved ones and professionals felt all too real. The reader feels as helpless as Rebecca and Sabine's sister in trying to support her recovery.

Terrific read.