A review by woahshereads
They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms by Michael Hixenbaugh

challenging dark emotional informative tense fast-paced


Five-Stars for many reasons but also because there seems to be some Southlake residents bombarding the reviews even though they've never read it...? I think you're proving minor points in this book...but okay. & you call us sheep? Anyway..

This was probably one of the most stressful and aggravating books I have ever read. As a white cisgender female I recognize how incredibly privileged I am in many many ways (& you should too).

I have so much empathy and respect for those falling into any minority group that have to experience similar situations portrayed in Mike Hixenbaugh's book solely based on a foundation of something that cannot be described as anything but hate and discrimination on a day-to-day basis. Even more so for having to interact with those put in leadership positions that cannot even begin to register or understand the negative impact their tunnel vision decisions are having. Their entire argument can be turned around and made against themselves because it has no merit or grounding.
This is such an important read and I feel so strongly about these issues, especially being married to a Male Elementary school educator. I would recommend this to anyone but unfortunately, I know a few people who SHOULD read it but won't because they themselves can't seem to see the "opposing view" they preach. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Mariner Books for the Advanced Readers Copy.