A review by reader4evr
Divergent by Veronica Roth


There was so much hype about this book which made me have high expectations for it especially it winning the best book on Goodreads for 2011. I couldn't give this book 5 stars because I felt that the beginning was really good, the middle was sooooo drawn out and it was like 80% of the book and then the ending was super good. Twice while I was reading this book, I sat this down for a day and read something else just because I was kind of bored of it. I just felt like there was just so much story that was around the training to figure out which job you would or wouldn't have once you were put into your new faction.

Tris was just ok. I liked her in the beginning because she was super scared and she was very true to her feelings. But then a couple times throughout the book she got kind of whiny especially when her relationship with Four was progressing. She seem to kind of get a little lovey dovey which annoyed me. If people where to compare her to Katniss, Katniss never really let love get in her way which I think made her a stronger female role. I did however love Four better than Peeta and Gale. I think it might have been since he was older ;-)

I thought the setting was awesome! Since I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and spent a good part of my time in the city, I was able to really picture where they were talking about in the book. Therefore I thought the imagery was so clear in the story. But it was so interesting how the author made it look totally changed with how there is like a wall surrounding the city and how things kind of look broken down which most dystopian settings are like.

The whole aspect of factions was interesting. I felt like since Hunger Games came out, every dystopian novel that has come out has some sort of ceremony that you do when you reach the age of 16 but none of the other novels have put you into different categories, mainly match you up with a partner for life. Throughout the book, I was thinking which faction would I be in. I was thinking either Amity or Erudite but not sure.

I think I might read on in the series but I'm not sure yet.

This would be a great new series for those that like the Hunger Games but I don't know if the size of the story will deter teens from reading this series.