A review by lilybear
The Long Game by Rachel Reid



This book is absolute perfection. No other book will ever compare. I might very well be ruined for other books. We return to the Heated Rivalry couple of serious Shane Hollander and dickish Ilya Rozanov. And they are amazing. Even as an established couple of years they still have a heat and competitiveness to their relationship that is EVEN MORE delectable when combined with familiarity and domestic bliss. In this novel we explore more of Ilya's character. While he has always been my favorite asshole to hate/love, we now get a new insight to his thoughts and feelings that give his character new depth and absolutely pulled at my heartstrings. From his longing to be open with Shane to his nightmares and battle with depression- it was such an amazing journey to go through Ilya's highs and lows. I also want to make a note of what a wonderful job Rachel Reid did depicting depression. I think a lot of people assume there has to be a core reason to be depressed. Some justifiable point of misery that explains why a person is sad. But it's not always like that. Life can be normal- maybe even great and yet a person can be overcome with melancholy with no way to fight against it. Ilya battles against this melancholy all while suffering under the pressure of hiding his love for Shane. I straight up ugly cried 50% in. But not just sad tears. Shane and Ilya shared so many beautiful, heart-achingly sweet moments together. Cooking together, babysitting together, exchanging plastic heart rings while Hayden's son played the Moana song at their 'wedding'. The cuteness of it all was seriously perfection. I don't know how any other book will compare. How any other book can reach the depth of love Shane and Ilya hold for each other. Anyone who has ever read Heated Rivalry will be completely swept away by this amazing sequel.