A review by kidclamp
Glasshouse by Charles Stross


It's been a while since I read the kind of Sci-fi where the world is so different that I am disoriented for the first few pages, and I started this book with little hope that it would improve. I was wrong. Once I got into the story Stross drew me into his world and I couldn't put the book down. Robin awakes from a devastating memory wipe that he did to himself, and before he can adjust to his loss of past he signs up for an experiment designed to recreate life before 'the acceleration.' Trapped in a game, forced to live as a pseudo 1950's housewife, Robin quickly realizes that something isn't right and when his memories begin to leak back in, he realizes it is his job to fix it.

The characters are fantastic and believable even through shifts in their personalities and bodies, and the world Stross creates is harsh and gripping. Despite the climax being a bit short and wishing it had been fleshed out more, the book was great and I can't wait to read more by Stross.