A review by musicalfrog
Pup by SJD Peterson


I finished reading this and needed some time before I could come back and write my review.
There were quite a few parts where I had to pause and stare at the ceiling to process what was going on. Some of what was going on hit a little too close to home and I had to take mental notes. Thank you for the insights you have given me to myself. Things are not crystal clear but you have given me a new perspective. I now have to read the rest of these stories.
I base my reviews on what touches me and this one touched me deeply. I don't claim to know a great deal about writing or about the world of D/s I know that some of the reviewers are very particular about those things. When a book touches your heart, your soul, your psyche it changes you in some way and you are never the same. That to me defines a great book. I will be telling people that Pup is a Great book and I will be recommending it to many.