A review by alyram4
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis


I am conflicted.

I loved the worldbuilding in here. I thought it was excellently done and that alone makes me interested to read the sequel. While I have read books that had a similar plot, this one has just enough of a fresh take to make me interested. My main issue is the characters. Xander is by far the most well done character here, and reading his POV was my absolute favorite. I felt that he is underappreciated in the book by nearly all the surrounding characters. He has a lot of depth to him, and I feel that a lot that's done to him is just hurtful considering he's the strongest developed. Lyana I enjoyed for the most part, but she has her moments where I seriously just want to shake her and tell her to open her eyes! She can be downright annoying, especially in the middle, and by the end I found myself rolling my eyes often. Her "romance" with Rafael was more so lust and insta-love. There was nothing, and I mean nothing, in this book that gave the indication that these 2 had any sort of chemistry. Hell, she had more chemistry with Xander, who she tends to treat more as a duty and companion. Like, I'm interested in the next book but.... How am I supposed to care what happens next to the characters when the only person who I feel is genuine is the most underappreciated? So confusing for my emotions.