A review by loiereads
Dead Popular by Sue Wallman


Dead Popular is a YA mystery novel that revolves around prestigious boarding school student, Kate Ferreira. The story follows her as mysterious secrets begin to be pinned to a piece of student artwork in the common room, exposing secrets of the other students. When things take a turn for the worst at a party that Kate has arranged, the atmosphere gets serious and Kate fears her secret past will also be exposed.
I’m majorly disappointed. This book is not what I was expecting. The synopsis of the book really mis-sold the contents of the story and I feel as though I’ve been cheated.
* nothing happens until more than halfway through the book
* characters are annoying and bratty
* predictable ending
* weak storyline
* mis-sold story
* .... kind of cool cover?
* hints on the negatives of being "popular" and being effected by society's view of what is "beauty"
I don't know, I just feel really let down by this book as I was expecting a lot more. I was hoping that Sue Wallman would be a new YA thriller/mystery author whose work I could get into, but I’ll be a bit hesitant to read any of their other works.
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