A review by helterskelliter
Wandance, Volume 1 by Coffee


Kaboku Kotani has always been shy.

But, being noticeably taller than his classmates and having a pronounced stutter tends to make him standout. He tries to blend in, go with the flow, and stay under the radar to the best of his abilities. Trying anything else just draws attention.

Kaboku just wants to blend in with the crowd.

Or, that’s what he believes until he comes upon a trellis classmate, Hikari Wanda, dancing on her own. She looks so free, so impassioned and expressive—and she doesn’t have to say a word to do it.

Kaboku wonders what it would be be like to feel so free?

With Wanda’s support, Kaboku decides he’s going to join the school’s dance club—even though it makes him super nervous and self-conscious.

Big changes require first steps, right?

This is so much more thoughtful of a story than I thought it would be???

I appreciate coming of age stories that feature main characters with unique challenges or, rather, with challenges that don’t often get the see the main stage. I think this story does such a good job highlighting Kaboku’s stutter without making it his whole identity. It impacts his life but, also, so do typical teenage insecurities.

And, Wanda is such a delightful character to juxtapose against Kaboku. I appreciate how her character is humanized, too, and not reduced to a pretty girl love interest. I’m very interested in learning more about her.

Definitely recommend for readers who enjoy thoughtful manga series but, also, want some light sports-manga-esque action and intrigue~