A review by sea_caummisar
Leather Maiden by Joe R. Lansdale


I'm pretty sure that I used to be a huge Lansdale fan. This was one that I didn't read previously, saw it online and the cover grabbed me. I opted to go for audio, and I have to admit that listening to it was not the treat that I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, the voice was okay, but it did cause me to fall asleep a few times.
It's weird how our memories can remember one thing, but when we revisit them, it was totally off. I'm pretty sure that I remembered Lansdale as one that was somewhat shocking and fun and gory. Maybe it was just this one book that didn't fall into those qualifications.. but with that cover I was expecting more.
The story was fine. A typical thriller type deal. A soldier returns home, gets a job for a newspaper and digs up some dirt on an old murder case.
There was nothing wrong with the story, but for me it was just okay