A review by motherhorror
Whispers in the Dark by Laurel Hightower


Thank you to the author, Laurel Hightower and JournalStone publishing for the FREE review copies to our Night Worms Book Party. You can follow our Book Party on Instagram with #nightwormswhispers or #nightwormsbookparty

This book gets a lot of traction in the "horror family" circle on social media. It has captured the hearts of so many readers of indie horror fiction.
It's hard to believe this is a debut book; an impressive way to make a first impression. The story centers on Rose McFarland, a sniper in a S.W.A.T. team. She's tough as nails, takes zero bullshit from her peers, and seems strong enough to handle even the most stressful situations.
But this is just in the first 20 pages or so. As the pages fly by, we see that Rose is complex. She has a traumatic past and complicated relationships. We're introduced to a softer side of her that she reserves for her children and the men in her life.
She appears to struggle with something paranormal she calls, the Whispers.
As the story moves on, I found myself marveling at the author's ability to foster a culture of authenticity. Rose leaped off the page. Her inner thoughts resonated with me and felt very realistic. The dialog was natural and serves the narrative well. Character-driven horror is the most successful for me and I would say that WHISPERS IN THE DARK checks all the boxes for me.
There are some legitimate scares in this book too!
In our group discussion, I will say that I felt like I had a different reading experience than almost all of my fellow Night Worms crew. Everyone reported they were investing upfront and binge-reading the hell out of this novel, finishing in a matter of a day or two. I didn't have this same compulsion.
I found myself reading about 20-30 pages at a time and then feeling ready to jump into something else or distracted from my reading. Nothing is wrong with the pacing and it's not dull, I just didn't engage or get sucked in the same way other readers did.
So, I can't say this is five stars for me but I will say, I enjoyed my time reading this story, I think Laurel Hightower is a natural-born storyteller, and I'm looking forward to anything she releases in the future.

Mother Horror Review Blurb: "The hype surrounding this book is real. This is one of the best debut novels on the indie horror scene right now. Protagonist Rose McFarland is easily one of my favorite fictional characters. Strong storytelling voice, original story ideas and full of surprises. Buy this book & keep tabs on this author."