A review by angels_gp17
Love and Other Wild Things by Molly Harper


Love and Other Wild Things is book two in the Mystic Bayou series by Molly Harper and Narrated by Amanda Ronconi & Jonathan Davis.

With the Mystic Bayou series we are treated to two POV’s, hero and heroine. I like this set-up for the series. As a standalone romance, it can be enjoyed without reading book one first, however the world building and overall series arc are established in How to Date Your Dragon.

Danica is an energy witch and a headstrong woman who knows what she wants. The mystery surrounding her is a little dis-jointed and not set up well. The dynamics between her and Zed where great.

Zed is a bear-shifter, major of Mystic Bayou, and a sweet and caring guy. I like his friendship with Bael. I loved how he respected Danica and her space and was also straightforward with her about what he wanted.

Dani and Zed experience a mutual attraction at first meet, but both must meet a balance. Dani is dealing with financial issues and trust issues while Zed knows she’s his mate and he must take it slow. We continue to dig deeper into the rift and its mysteries. The ending is sweet and yes, predictable, which isn’t necessarily bad.

Narration: We are treated to a duel narration, with Amanda Ronconi reading the parts told in Dani’s POV and Jonathan Davis reading the parts told in Zed’s POV. Honestly I loved Jonathan Davis and wish he could have narrated the whole book. His voices where the best and appealing to my ear. The voices that Amanda Ronconi did for Jillian and Dani sounded similar as did Bael and Zed, which caused confusion and it took away from the story, which slowed things down. These two narrators styles and sounds are so different that it took time to readjust to the narrators when the switch came.

In the end, I enjoyed Love and Other Wild Things. I like the mystery around the rift and Mystic Bayou and the romance is sweet and adorable.

Rated: 3 Stars
