A review by piepieb
The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques


This story was a little bit different than any other Redwall tale. For one thing, it was a story within a story- how Martin the Warrior left Redwall to find out more about his father, Luke. The only major villain in this book, too, was the dastardly villain Vilu Daskar- there wasn't really an enemy in the first storyline, that of Trimp, Martin, Gonff, and the others.
I enjoyed reading about Martin's family and history- his grandma Windred; Luke and his wife Sayna, and friends they met along the way, such as the "berserk" Ranguvar. I also enjoyed seeing characters and learning more about others that I had met in previous books- Skipper of Otters and his two brothers; Ferdy and Coggs; Bella, formerly of Brockhall; and the very old and very fragile Abbess Germaine.
In conclusion, I wish I could attend a Redwall Abbey feast! ;)