A review by thisandthatwithkaren
The Little Bookshop at Herring Cove by Kellie Hailes


The little Bookshop at Herring Cove.is the perfect summer read. Its setting of a seaside village is idyllic.

Sophie Jones loves her little bookshop at Herring Cove. She’ll never give it up to big property developer, Alexander Fletcher – no matter how handsome he might be…

Yet beneath Alex’s sharp suit and persuasive manner, there’s something about him that makes Sophie want to trust him.

So when he offers to help make her little shop a success again, she wonders whether this could be the start of something wonderful for both Sophie and Alex – together?

This is a light easy read for a lazy summer day. I instantly fell in love with Herring Cove and its townspeople. The I found that the author brought the little village to life for me and I could picture it in my mind.

The characters are wonderful which makes reading even more pleasurable. I highly recommend this novel to all who who love Chic Lit novels.

I requested and received an Advanced Readers copy from the publisher and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own