A review by yodamom
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella


Audio-This was not the funny story I have grown used to from Sophia Kinsella. It had it's funny parts, but it had a feeling of melancholy through much of the book. Perhaps because I saw myself in the characters flaws.
Lara is a nice young lady with her own business and a fabulous boyfriend. Everything is going her way. Till her fabulous boyfriend dumps her, without saying why. Her partner leaves town, and all their clients that she was to take care of. She has no idea how to handle this side of the business. Her parents and friends thinks she's gone 'nutters' texting her ex constantly. To to it off she is being haunted by her Great Aunt. (What a mess.)
Sadie is her Great Aunt, she has just died at the age of 105 in a nursing home. She wants something, something that was hers and now it's lost. She in a funny lighthearted character that shows up in her twenties.
The two of them engage in all kinds of craziness. The search opens many new doors, and slams a few others closed. Lara has a chance to learn of her heritage and learn her own heart in this journey. Perhaps even give up her obsession with her ex ?
I enjoyed this book immensely. It was so close to my own life, with her job, her partner, her love, her obsession. I can't wait to read another book from this author.