A review by theresidentbookworm
America #3 by José Villarubia, Gabby Rivera, Joe Rivera, Stacey Lee, Joe Quiñones


10 Awesome Things in America #3

1. "You can't just go punching a bunch of kids in the face. Remember, you were once that kid looking for someone, anyone to connect to. That's still you."

2. America talking about all the people who had taken her in just because she looked like them, the people who showed her kindness, and how she still felt like an outsider because she didn't really belong to them. "Still, I was a tourist everywhere. Lifting language and culture from the love of people who weren't my kin but held me as their own. Dove fists first into being a super hero 'cuz it felt right like I was honoring my moms, you know? And everything shifted. She felt like home."

3. The advice that someone, not sure who but I think it is, is giving America: "Be brave, America. Be soft. Remember to twist the value sometimes and release all the pressure inside. What you've been through doesn't have to be what you are or who you become." It's good advice to take, and maybe everyone should listen to it.

4. Yay! '80s X-Men crossover. Ever since X-Men Apocalypse, I've really dug the younger versions of the X-Men. Also, Storm's Mohawk is a revelation in itself.

5. Storm/America team up! We actually don't deserve this world. I love wise Storm giving advice.

6. The Ancestral Plan, whatever that is, seems like it's a place I'd like to visit. It has super-wise people who give good advice. "Make plans. Train your body. Follow the guiding spirits. Be ready for anything, but never seek control. It's an illusion. You control nothing. At any point, the universe can come for you--with all its might and love and chaos."

7. Storm's Oasis. I need a place like Storm's Oasis. I think everyone should have a place like that, a place completely filled with love and that feels like home.

8. Storm teaching America how to reach out into the universe to find where Lisa is. Also, the fact that America has to fight in order to concentrate is awesome.

9. America lowering her guard in order to find Lisa, and then saying this line, "I heard her, Ororo. I think she's watching Buffy."

10. Everything in the last ten pages is beautiful and perfect, and I do not plan these lists out well enough to include them all. I love America and Storm's goodbye. I like that that the Chavez Guerillas are more than they originally seemed. I LOVED that America's new friends came to her aid.