A review by adiscoveryoflit
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi


This is the second time I pick this up. The first time I only got 20% of the way through and then I put it down. I don't know why and I wish I never did. But I picked it up again, a little hesitant, and flew through it. It's quite an easy format to get through. The chapters are really small; the smallest I've ever seen so that pushed me to keep reading on because if I do put a book down for a bit while I have to do something else I have to finish the chapter first. Anyone else like this? The story of Zelie and the fight for Orisha is told through three different perspectives, Zelie, Amari the rouge princess, and her brother Inan, the crown prince of Orisha. This format would usually be difficult for me to understand but it was executed very well, and I truly enjoyed. Wish we could of had the perspective of Zelies brother Tzain. I feel he didn't have enough recognition in the book which would have been nice.

Zelie - Zelie is your main protagonist within the novel, and we mainly follow her while she journeys to find three different object that will help her in her quest to bring back magic for all diviner's/ magi. She faces so much hardships along the way but with the help of a rouge princess and her brother nothing can stop her from helping her people. Or can it?

Amari- Amari is the daughter to king Saran and she has never be able to leave the castle walls. One day she discovers the horrible things her father does to the diviner's/ magi and flees the castle. Here she runs into Zelie and is pulled into a life she never thought she would be in. But Amari proves that she's stronger and wiser than she looks and shows you that she is truly queen material.

Inan - Inan is the crown prince of Orisha and of course Amaris brother. Inan is blinded by his fathers ways to teaching and the stories he uses to portray the maji, therefore he is an enemy to Zelie and her people. Can he learn the truth of his fathers actions and either help or destroy.

Tzain - Tzain is your typical overprotective brother, who I love and think he should be recognised more or have chapters from his perspective also. He journeys with Zelie to help save the magic of Orisha and venge his mothers death that happened by the hands of the king of Orisha.

Mama Agba - Mama Agba is going to be a well loved character, I just know it. She is like your Grandmother, Mother, Teacher and Best Friend in one. She will teach you and punish you if disobey but she is also loving like a mother and always there to help.

Gods, Magic, Forbidden Love and a Rogue Princess. If that doesn't make you want to read it I don't know what will. This story is truly unique. I will definitely be picking up the sequel.