A review by kitkat2500
Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic by Martha N. Beck


This is a memoir by Martha Beck about her pregnancy with her Down's Syndrome child Adam. It certainly is the most excruciatingly difficult physical pregnancy I've ever read about, due to a specific condition that she suffers from. But beyond the physical illness, she suffers tremendous emotional and psychological pain as she grapples with the future reality of living with a disabled child (if he even makes it through the birthing process).

These many layers of suffering are periodically relieved by what she refers to as magical or paranormal events/interventions. Call them what you want, whether it's magic, angels , the hand of God, spirituality, religion...whatever you call it, she seems to experience an abundance of "unusual" events since Adam's conception. She credits these to the magic that Adam has brought into her life. But her message is more universal: that we can all open ourselves to life's many blessings, that this magic is all around us, that Love is the answer, no matter what the question is.

I tend to agree!