A review by dakkster
The Civil War by Bruce Catton


As a Swede/European, I never had the opportunity in school to dive deep into the American Civil War, because there's only so much time in history class and there's a lot of history to wade through.

I asked around and got two recommendations. The first and almost unanimous recommendation was this one. The Civil War by Bruce Catton. The second one is The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. We'll see when I'll get to that one.

This one, though, was fantastic. It was just the right length and spent just enough time with each event to keep me interested. There were a few things I might delve further into later on, but for now, this book thoroughly quenched my American Civil War thirst. Catton is a great narrator and he presents a very measured and balanced account of the war, not really favoring any side and pointing out what was sensible or not on both sides.