A review by howdidthatbookend
A Girl Like You by Cari Scribner


Many thanks to the author for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoy listening to people's bad date stories, so this book was certainly amusing. I admire Jessica's readiness to get back into the dating pool after a divorce, and appreciated how willing she was to try modern dating. She certainly learned a lot.

I really loved Jess's relationship with her kids. They were so open and loving with each other, and I really enjoyed the scenes where they were all encouraging each other about going on dates. Their relationship was hands-down the best part of this book.

I would've liked to see a little more growth from Jessica. I wanted someone to give her a hug and tell her she doesn't need a man to be happy! It kind of felt like she went on bad date after bad date, but didn't learn anything from them. I think the book would've felt more resolved if she learned that she was happy on her own or something to that effect. However, I can totally relate to her awkward, leggings-loving side whose hobbies include hanging out on her couch with her dog.

Overall, this was a fun book about the "what now" of life. If you're struggling to get back into dating after a divorce, you'll find this one hilarious!