A review by michaeldrakich
Wonderblood by Julia Whicker


I received this book in a Goodreads Giveaway.

This book was a bit of a rollercoaster in the reading. I was not exactly wowed in the first few chapters as there were too many unanswered questions in regards to the dystopian world in which the author had created. There were also a number of logistical things and inconsistencies that challenged the believability of this world. I prefer a certain amount of real science in my science fiction.

I made a decision early in to ignore these issues and instead relax and enjoy the reading because one thing was for certain, the author is an absolutely excellent wordsmith. The prose flowed so well I contemplated how most readers would not worry over the small details that perplexed me and I decided to join them.

Once I had shed my inhibitions about details and science, I became enrapt in the story. This dystopian world is very dark and very unique. I can't imagine how any fan of the sub-genre dystopian could not find this entertaining.

As I rolled along my opinion of the value of the book kept growing with each chapter. The artwork interspersed throughout the work gave it a bit of a graphic novel feel. You could feel the level of tension rising as you neared the end, and my opinion had risen to near five star rating, but then, boom, it ended in a whimper.

I cannot fathom why the story leaves so many sub-plots unfinished with the exception that the author intends to follow up with a sequel. There is nowhere that indicates this book is part one of a series. As my copy indicates it is not the final product, but a pre-release version, if it is indeed the intent of the author to write a continuation, then I would implore her to identify the book as "Part 1". Without such identification she will alienate readers.

In a final analysis, because of the ending, my opinion dropped below a 4, but I think it is still better than a 3.5, so a 4 star rating is what it is. If it was identified as a Part 1, I probably would have given it 4.5.