A review by curlyheadedone
Phoenix Flame by Sara Holland


This review has spoilers so warning if you haven’t read Havenfall yet!

After reading Havenfall and being left with that ending I was so excited for the sequel. Now that I’ve finished Phoenix Flame I have to say that I didn’t love it as much as the first book. Which *sigh* is so sad.

So I’m going to start with what I liked.
- The whole Phoenix Flame armor idea was very cool.
- Still enjoyed the magic system and since I haven’t been handling fantasy well lately..it was nice to read something that wasn’t too complicated but still enjoyable
- Brekken is in this book more and he’s definitely my favorite character so course I loved that haha
- We got to learn a little more about the different world and even got to travel to one so that was interesting

What I didn’t liked
- Geez this book felt like it was rushed. I felt like this book could have been longer or Havenfall should have been a much longer standalone.
- The love triangle...if you could call it that. more like a crush triangle between Maddie, Brekken and Taya was just weird and kinda over done/ unnecessary.
- Also did not like the ending and felt like a few plot points were not answered at all.

So I didn’t hate it but i didn’t entirely love it either. I just wish that the book wasn’t as rushed as it was.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance digital copy of this book!

*I received a advance digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*