A review by canada_matt
The Talk Show Murders by Al Roker, Dick Lochte


Having sped through Roker's series (trology?) I can make some more general comments, as well as some book-specific to give readers a better idea of what they can expect out of this. Roker and his co-author do get better as the books progress, which is not to be disputed. That said, the books never leave their cheesiness factor by the wayside and are, as far as I am concerned, strictly summer beach fare or travelling reading. I cannot come to say that, had I been presented with these books that they were at the top of my list. I kept the first on my iPod for a long time and chose, perhaps subconsciously, to add the others so that when I did read them, I could have the series in front of me and give the review I am typing now.

This is the most complex (though on some levels it seems silly to call anything about these books complex) of the three books, in that it pits the main character's current life with his past; moreso than Book 2 and will many more sinister undertones. The book seeks mainly to deal with the death of a former police detective, while giving the reader some behind-the-scenes looks into television broadcasting on location. The murder brings our main character out to do some sleuthing in hopes of tripping upon the mastermind behind it all. I am, however, left to wonder if Billy Blessing and Jessica Fletcher (flashback to 'Murder, She Wrote', of 1980s and 90s fame) share the same bloodline, as murder seems to follow them everywhere they go.

A few questions worth tossing out there:

- Would I purchase these books to read? Absolutely not! Libraries have their purposes and this is one reason that I would use them. I do not find the content to be worth the gouging I get from them)
- Would I choose to read over listen to the books? No, again. Roker does a good job in narrating his own books and I find that they flow better here. Also, I can listen wherever I am and finishing the book faster than sitting down to read. Honesty, a real stinger.
- Would I read another book in the series? I am still on the fence there.

So, I suggest you tap into your library's audiobook collection and hope it is there.

Decent series, Mr. Roker.