A review by lifeinthebooklane
Filthy Rich by Julie Kriss


Julie Kriss has taken the age old office romance taboo story and turned it on it's head

Typically in an office romance the couple first try to fight their feelings and then try to hide their romance. Not Samantha and Aiden, no because they know that it would be too much risk, a jeopardy they are not willing to take. So the game is born. A game where two 'stranger' hook up for a few hours of hot passion, no strings, no ties. Well written and entertaining, this is a wonderful love story that feels fresh and exciting.

The book is surprisingly slow burn, taking quite a while to reach the 'game'. I think in part this was due to world building for the series as a whole, as well as just allowing us to get to know these two as people. One of the thing I most enjoy about this author's work is how real her characters feel. They aren't prepared to throw a good working relationship into the wind because of their attraction.

Even though Aiden is now richer than Croesus he came from a poor and unloving home. He is a wonderful mix of intensely private and open book. A pretty simple man who struggles to trust and doesn't know how to let go. Life has left Samantha with a 'piece of her jigsaw puzzle' missing, her quest for security and safety means romance and love are too dangerous. Two believable, likeable and humanly flawed main characters who you can't help but adore.

There are so many 'gimmicky' genre's out there at the moment, so many trends and fashions. Filthy Rich doesn't need any of them because it's a great story, with good writing and engaging characters.