A review by thisnursereads
The Traitor Queen by Danielle L. Jensen



Devoured it! So much better than the first book in its use of action, intensity, and romance!
"'Two birds,' Sarhina replied. 'One stone.'
And if there was one thing Lara knew for certain, it was this: the Veliant sisters had very good aim.”

1. Like the first, book two did not disappoint with strong female characters. I mean, there is even a PREGNANT WARRIOR-Hell yes! That truly shocked me. As a labor & delivery nurse, I loved that they changed the narrative of what a heroin can look like.

The complexity of the characters is also cranked up a notch which was rewarding. The struggle and growth of Aren & Lara as they dealt with their new reality brought with it a rollercoaster of emotions that made my heart race and I lived for it.

Additionally, the strength and perseverance of Lara throughout the series, but especially this book, kept me rooting for her and desperately hoping that she would get a happy ending. She endured so much! I loved her story.

“You are my goddamned damnation, but there will never be anyone but you.”

2. Ah romance. Ah enemies to lovers to enemies to...
I fell for Aren in the first book, and I continued to love him in the second. Nothing else to be said, definite "book BF" material.

3. The world building felt stronger as the story brought them to new cities but it isn't why I read the book. Characters>world building

4. I GOT A MAP. Was so happy about this and it helped so much.

5. The first book was highly predictable, almost to a fault. This book kept me on my toes, took twists and turns which made it awesome. Highly recommend pushing through the first book to get to this one because it was worth it!

My only issue is that
SpoilerI wanted to know what happens and how they deal with Lara being allowed back into the Bridge Kingdom! The resolution felt incomplete and abrupt, leaving me wanting so much more of Lara and Aren's life.

I cannot wait to read on and continue this series!

Checkout my other reviews in the series:
[b:The Bridge Kingdom|53921926|The Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom, #1)|Danielle L. Jensen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1591726304l/53921926._SY75_.jpg|60164804]