A review by rashthedoctor
Action Comics #959 by Tyler Kirkham, Dan Jurgens


i know this one is getting some hate due to lack of progression of the story and true that is a genuine concern and a valid cause to dislike this book , That said personally i really enjoyed this book . The mystery surrounding Mr OZ (Ozymandias?) , Superman , Clark Kent and Doomsday still intrigues me and the action was well portrayed , i think there maybe a future plot where people will start to see Luthor as the saviour of general public while superman as a destroyer of metropolis and if that happens it'll both piss me off and make me very interested with the plot

There were 2 points that really made me like this book
1. The part where Superman asks Luthor to save people first , it was reminiscent of old days of superman when his priority was always to save people lives unlike New 52 Superman (or for that matter any super powered being) who cared naught about the collateral damages that they were causing . As i said this was the superman i liked and i believe most of the people liked and i totally dig it

2. The plot also shows lois talking and trying to explain to him about Doomsday and how powerful he is , infact it's been referred multiple times and the power of doomsday on display itself is a sight to behold , i always felt that apart from Batman all the DC New 52 villains were handled very easily by their respective protagonists unlike pre New 52 but this time it was all hands of deck as Doomsday kept wiping the floor out of the superheroes in front of him