A review by lizzycatslibrary
Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella



I am so disappointed. I started this book and I was really enjoying it. Granted it is a light, fluffy type of read but most definitely fun! You feel for Becky Bloomberg and her quite substantial shopaholic tendencies. You feel for her when she is trying to work through lifes little nuances and be taking seriously while avoiding the real problem.

The problem I have with the book is completely related to the ending. I hated the ending. I don't like Luke Brandon at all. He seems like a pompous jerk and I'm bummed that Becky ends up with him. I think she was completely warranted in the way that she felt about him treating her. Yes he apologizes eventually but blah... I hate it. It also seems like an annoying knight in shining armor story.

The other problem I have... everything just resolves itself too easily. Derrick Smeath doesn't care that she has avoided him for half a year and doesn't show up for their meeting. Becky does end up basically miraculously coming "into some money" by the job she gets on the tv show. Okay that is great and everything but it all just seemed to easy. It seemed like she never really dealt with her problem but just happened to get a job where she is going to have the money to pay off the debts. Had that not happened would she really have dealt with it ever? I don't know.

So yeah... disappointed.