A review by familiar_diversions
My Neighbor Seki, 4 by Takuma Morishige


Yokoi continues to watch (and sometimes thwart) Seki's goofing off, and Goto continues to misunderstand Seki and Yokoi's relationship. Seki
Spoilertries to create a beetle superhero, goofs off during a three-person drawing assignment, and paints himself so that it looks like he put so much effort into school sports that he bled. Yokoi ends up stealing the robot family after Seki has them fly kites for him. She later guiltily gives them back to him via his little sister.

Okay, the premise is now seriously wearing thin. The only reason I'm still reading is because I have a pile of these via the library. They're not bad, but it all feels so same-y, even though Seki's games are always changing.

I like Seki's ingenuity, but it just isn't enough to carry a multi-volume series. Also, sometimes Yokoi frustrates me. Seki's weirdness should be normal to you by now, just ignore him and pay attention during class like you keep saying you want to do!

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)