A review by araskov
Advent by Daniel Pyle


Huge thank you to LibraryThing and Daniel Pyle for providing me with a free copy of Advent!

I swear I just finished a series of Goosebumps for adults. Talk about things that go bump in the night. With a side of slaughter, perhaps.

When I suggested we read story #2 - The Line to our kids to scare them into their best behaviour, my husband wasn't so impressed with me, but I still think it's funny.

I flew through this collection of short stories followed by Snowbirds, which was absolutely incredible as well. If you want to be disturbed, amused, shocked, and even sometimes a little sad, all while loving Christmas, this book is for you.

As for Snowbirds, Liv was an absolute joy to read about. She was strong, brave, and quick-witted. The story was so well written and it read so smoothly that I blinked and I was finished reading it.

What an incredibly disturbing and enjoyable journey. This makes me question my mental health, because it may say a lot about me as a person. Thank you!