A review by pattyfgd
Craft by Adriana Locke


There is just no way to that all these Gibson boys can be so wonderful! Or is there? Well, Nana has done an incredible job of raising these three, and this book is the story of Lance. Lance is a school teacher who is smitten with the Librarian, Mariah. There is definite attraction, but neither acts on it. When the two finally do get together, it's combustible. They are meant for each other. Lance carries some heavy baggage with him though, and does not want a serious relationship. But can he help it? I love the way Locke always weaves some realness into her stories. The secret that Lance carries is big and can really effect his future with a woman, and the way she handles it beautifully. The best part of this story I found is the relationship the brothers have together and with their grandmother. The true adoration they have for each other, and the love and respect she has raised this family with oozes through and you can feel how it affects their decisions. And the baking...YUM! What fun that is! This is a loving, warm and decadent story and left me wanting to hear Machlan's story.

That warm voice of Wen Ross becomes Lance in this book. He is able to catch the essence of Lance, both the passionate and the vulnerable, and there is a lot of of very emotion with this man. Kai Kennicott flawlessly takes on Mariah, not with a typical librarian tone, but with a truly caring vibe that carries from the students to Lance. Truly a wonderful listen.