A review by hostile
Who's Afraid of Gender? by Judith Butler


this is exceptionally humane across the board. if the construction of Butler's argument is challenging it may because it is new to you and i hope that any difficulty will not be conflated with obfuscation or dismissed as "ideology" (and Butler, if you read on, will personally deconstruct this bastardization of the Marxist term that has somehow entered the language of the Right for you) on their part, because it is not. be patient, explore their extensive sources. this is a rare learning opportunity!! and it is a call to reaffirm our use of creative and social powers to imagine a future that is more compelling and life affirming than the real obfuscation: the scapegoating of vulnerable people as the source of our very real collective fears of catastrophe and economic collapse so that its true perpetrators remain powerful. thanks FSG for the ARC!!!!!